0.11.0pre12 released, good buddy (hint hint)!
Howdy guys! It's been about a month since our last release. gaim 0.11.0pre12 is finally available for your mass consumption. There have been lots of improvements such as better proxy support, fixes to various protocols, some cleanups on the menus, as well as an insanely often requested feature. That's right folks, you can finally receive buddy icons from other people. This only works when using Oscar and we do not, at this moment, have support for sending your own buddy icon. All in due time.
Also, I would like to suggest that all of you use Oscar as opposed to TOC. Our Oscar implementation, these days, works much better and has all that TOC supports and more. Give it a try under tools->accounts.
So, what are you waiting for? Why are you still reading this? Go! Get it!
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