Beta 2: The Sequel to Beta
We're basically refining crude oil into a usable product. Only instead of refining crude oil, we're making Gaim better. But it's really the same thing. Really.
Please grab beta 2 and let us know what you think. With any luck we won't need to make any major changes, and Gaim 2.0.0 final will be out before you can prove the theory of special relativity.
* Update - January 24th, 2006 - 5:32PM EST *
Gaim 2.0.0 beta 2 does not include voice or video ("vv") support for any protocols. We've done some work toward vv compatibility for Google Talk, but it isn't ready for the general public yet. It is unlikely this will change for the final release of Gaim 2.0.0, but vv will be a primary focus for the next major release of Gaim after that.
* Update - January 27th, 2006 - 5:59PM CST *
Known bugs:
- Sorting the buddy list by status is broken in Gaim 2.0.0 beta 2. The next release, be it beta 3 or the final 2.0.0, will have this bug fixed.
- Duplicate saved statuses show up in the status selector.
- Some people are experiencing sound playback issues on Linux when using libao. Using the Command method or copying the sound files from beta1 are both workarounds. We're looking into this.