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Flooded in Feedback

December 19th, 2005 - 7:57PM PST

Wow! We've all been completely swamped in feedback since Saturday's beta release. I'm personally surprised how positive it is as a whole. We've gotten a ton of really well-founded gripes, but I think generally people are liking the direction we're going with Gaim 2.0.0. Also important to note is that there are a bunch of things we had suspected were bad or weren't sure about, and we've been able to gauge everyone's opinions about them. On that note, please keep your feedback coming, but there are a few recurring reports we definitely already know about and are working on that you don't need to let us know about anymore:

I'm sure there are a bunch of other common themes I'm forgetting about here. The other Gaim developers and I will be sure to come back and update this list as we think of other recurring complaints we've seen. Thanks so much for everyone's truly overwhelming response!

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