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Tasmanian devils have 300 pounds per square inch of bite

October 12th, 2005 - 3:31PM PDT

The page has been quiet for a while, 'eh. I guess we have some catching up to do:

Gaim development

A lot of you have noticed that while we typically release every three weeks, we haven't had a release in a while. We've shifted all our efforts to finishing Gaim 2.0.0. Gaim 2.0.0 has a ton of great features, fixes every problem you've ever had with Gaim, makes drastic changes to huge parts of Gaim---especially status, includes three new protocols, and does a bunch of other amazing stuff. We're looking to feature freeze at the end of this month and release a month or so later, so be sure to get on our cases and make sure we get it finished. Also, if you choose to give it a sneak peek in CVS, we ask that you please don't contact us about it. We already know a ton of things that are broken and incomplete that we'll get fixed before release. After our freeze, we'll make some pre-release builds for everyone to offer helpful feedback and bug reports on a product a bit closer to being finished than now. Unless you're interested in helping out with development, you should probably wait until then, as CVS can often break things badly for you.

Summer of Code

Meanwhile, Google's Summer of Code has drawn to a conclusion and we are very happy with what our students accomplished. Support for Apple's Bonjour protocol, UPnP NAT traversal, AIM and ICQ file transfer proxying, and support for the SIP/SIMPLE protocol are a few of the additions. See the news post at the top of our Summer of Code page for a detailed list.

Working at Google

I (Sean) have been hired by Google, moved to Seattle, and have been working on the Google Talk team for about a month and a half. The goal of Google Talk is to make real-time communication as open as possible, and in that regard, I've been working to offer all of Google Talk's features into other clients. Currently, I'm working on making it as easy as possible for other clients to use Google Talk's voice features. You can expect Gaim and other clients to be interoperable with Google Talk's voice features in the near future.


On a related note, the gaim-vv project—which aimed to offer a framework for voice and video support in Gaim—is being merged back into Gaim proper for hopeful incorporation into Gaim 2.0.0. This will be used to support Google Talk's voice as well as MSN and Yahoo! webcams.


As I'll soon be getting my first royalty check, I'd like to sincerely thank everyone who bought my book and those who wrote me with such great compliments. Everyone seems to really enjoy the book, so be sure to pick up a copy if you haven't already.

Mark Doliner contributed to this report.

Gaim 1.5.0 - who needs micro versions‽

August 11th, 2005 - 11:54PM EDT

Good morning class. Today I'd like all of you to download our newest release of Gaim. It features some major security fixes and some minor bug fixes and feature whatchamadingers. So download, install, attempt to climb a 5.12c, and have a marvelous day!

Dead Trees and Ink

July 28th, 2005 - 1:36am EDT

I (Sean) am quite pleased to announce the publication of my book, Open Source Messaging Application Development: Building and Extending Gaim. This book, written by myself, edited by fellow Gaim developer Nathan Walp, and published by Apress, serves as a how-to guide for getting started in open source and free software. By using actual Gaim source code and plug-ins as a common example throughout, it familiarizes the reader with the most common open-source tools and techniques, such as creating GUIs with GTK+, connecting to the Internet with sockets, and much more. Throughout, I share my own insight from my five years working on the project. After reading this book, you should be able to create your own multi-platform, networked, desktop applications just like Gaim.

I've put up a page that goes a bit more into depth about the book, and you can preview Chapter 3 at the publishers' website. This chapter, Development Tools, discusses some of the tools most commonly used in developing open-source software: Emacs, vim, gcc, Autotools, cvs, patch,, and others are discussed. Whether you're interested in learning more about how Gaim works to contribute the project, or you want to understand more about open-source tools and techniques with a mind to create your own applications, consider picking up a copy!

Gaim 1.4.0, around the curb from Wellspring Grocery

July 8, 2005 - 12:14AM EDT

We've just released Gaim 1.4.0. Mostly bug fixes again. Have a blissful weekend, and may your subsequent Monday be neither manic nor volcanic.

Summer of Code Blogs

July 7, 2005 - 2:19AM EDT

The students working on Gaim this summer as part of Google's Summer of Code project are journaling their work on the Gaim webpage. I've updated our main Summer of Code page to point to each student's blog. I've also aggregated all their blogs to a single page which much help from Steven Garrity. All these pages are RSS-enabled.

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