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v0.53 Solaris Binaries

March 06th, 2002 - 07:43PM EST

Finally got around to posting the Solaris binaries. Enjoy!

CVS Nightlies

March 04th, 2002 - 9:56PM EST

CVS Nightlies are being made again. They'll be made and uploaded every night at 12:00AM Eastern. Also, per request, we're making nightly RPMs for i386 systems. If you want to use our CVS code, but can't compile it for whatever reason, try these out!

0.53 has been released! Wagii!

February 28th, 2002 - 11:28PM EST

Well, We've released Gaim 0.53! There's lots of super secret things in this release. For example: Typing Notification, various bug fixes, server side buddy lists in Oscar, and IM images. Hug the ChangeLog. Enjoy!

* Update 03/03/2002 12:59AM EST *

Oh, by the way, go read this neato article posted on NewsForge.

0.52 has been released; eat it up!

February 17th, 2002 - 2:51PM EST

Well, I finally got a little ghettolan (tm) set up in my new place and got my box online. Here's the much awaited 0.52. This fixes some MSN and Yahoo connectivity issues as well as improving Jabber and fixing/updating some translations. The ChangeLog is your friend. Enjoy!

Bla Bla Bla

February 15th, 2002 - 12:40PM EST

I finally got my cable modem hooked up at home (this morning). If everything is working well when I get home then I will be a happy man. You can expect to see me in #gaim, commiting some much needed changes. Take care, all. Thanks for being patient.

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